Supplementary files released with GénàToile
It's the file used to translate into a correct language the dates from
the gedcom file, and to translate some coded expressions from the gedcom
file. It permits date comparison, too.
Example : August 14, 1948 will be coded 14 AUG 1948 in your gedcom.
The permits to translate the display : 14 august 1948. In
fact, GénàToile search, in all dates in gedcom, if a word
exists in the file. If so, it replaces this word by its translation.
It can contain as many lines as you want, in the sort order you want.
Nevertheless, I recommand to keep a logical order, to facilitate the file
You can view and edit this file with any text editor.
Explanation about the translation of dates
The meaning lines may be separated by blank lines, to improve the readability.
A line is coded :
<line number> # <word to be translated> # <translated word>
# <month number (optional)>
The # are the separators between information. They are mandatory between 2 items, optional on the right of the last data of the line.
Each <line number> must be unique in all the file (if you use a number
more than once, only its first appearance will be used). It must be more
than or equal to 1. It is permitted to leave "holes", i.e. it's not mandatory
to number from 1 to 1. Don't overuse this facility, because it is memory
I recommand to reserve 1 to 12 for the 12 months of the year.
Each <word to be translated> will be searched in the dates in gedcom format (this search is not case sensitive : if contains JAN, the following words JAN or jan or Jan will be treated the same way).
Each <translated word> will replace the <word to be translated> founded in a date.
The <month number (optional)> is used to give a number to each month : 1 for January, 2 pour February, etc... This number allows GénàToile to perform date comparisons.
The gedcom standard implies that months are abbreviated JAN FEB MAR
But some programs generate other words : January, ...
The released file allow you to translate January like JAN.
Besides, the dates in gedcom can have word like ABT (about), AFT (after), BET (between), AND, CAL (calculated), EST (estimated), etc... These words too are translated by GénàToile.
Example for a month :
The first 1 is for the line number,
JAN will be replaced by January each time you found it in a date,
the 1 in the last position means that JAN is the first month of the
Other example:
The 13 is for the 13th line of the file,
January will be translated January (ok, there is no translation here,
but we must recognize that this is a month and the first one in the year),
and the 1 means than January is the first mont of the year.
Other words :
The 27 is the line number,
ABT will be translated about
There is no month number.
The 28 is the line number,
AFT will be translated after,
102 is a reserved value for "after" in a date, used for date comparison.
BEF will be translated before,
101 is a reserved value for "before" in a date, used for date comparison.
At last, you'll find the French revolution month in this file. I cannot assure that this will work in the current version.
The translation od coded expressions are like
They are used to translate this codes that you found in the ROLE and
RELA lines of your gedcom files.
If you don't like a translation, you can replace the word on the right
If a code is missing, you can add it, in respect with the above format,
using a free line number.
Notice that the released file contains some codes (GODF, GODM) that
are not in the GEDCOM 5.5 standard.
This file contains the particles (ou prefixes) of the surnames that
must be ignored if you want a coorect alphabetical sort order of your surnames.
May be you want to see "de Beauvoir" under the B letter, or "van Miegel"
under M, but also "D'Anjou" under A, or "'tLoo" under L.
Each line of this file contains a line number, followed by a prefix
surrounded by the # separators.
If a line number appears more than once, only the first one will be
Example of local.fp contents :
1#de la #
2#de #
3#La #
Each surname will be compared to these prefixes, following the line
number order. As soon as a prefix matches EXACTLY the beginning of a surname,
the FULL prefix is ignored in the alphabetical sort order. Of course, the
full name (i.e. with the prefix) will be displayed in the generated pages.
In the example, the line numbered 1 says that surnames beginning with
"de la " are concerned. "de la Tasse" will be at "Tasse".
Notice that there is a space between "la" and the # separator. This space
is used in the search procedure. So, the "de langle" surname will not be
placed at "ngle", but this would happen if the line's content was :
1#de la#
(notice there is no more space between "la" and the #)
GénàToile is case sensitive for these comparisons. So,
"De La Tasse" will be under D, except if you add the following line :
<n>#De La #
("<n>" is the line number)
VERY IMPORTANT : you must number your lines from the longest prefixes
to the shortest.
If you have :
1#de la #
2#de #
"de la Tasse" will be at "Tasse", and "de Beauvoir at "Beauvoir".
But if you have :
2#de la #
1#de #
(whatever is the line order : it is the line number that matters !)
"de Beauvoir" will be at "Beauvoir", but "de la Tasse" will be at "la
It contains the texts displayed in the Graphic User Interface of GénàToile.
The format is :
<n> is a line number, positive and must be unique in the file.
The second # separator is useful to finish a text by a space.
If you want to insert a # in a text, make it preceded by a slash :
Among some texts, you will find codes like %0 %1 %2 etc... There are
used for variables insertion.
You can modify these texts as you want, particularly to increase the
number of languages that GénàToile can use. In this case,
be sure to translate all the lines.
It contains the texts generated in the html pages.
The same rules applies than for
You can modify these texts too, to generate pages in and other language.
Of course, you can use different languages for the and the
Updated on February 21, 2003.
© Jean-Baptiste Fahy, 2001-2003