GénàToile is as closed as possible to GEDCOM 5.5.1 stnadard,
but accepts 5.5 too.
For some gedcom files that don't respect the gedcom standard, GénàToile
is auto adaptive, or you need to select some options.
You find below the list of the tags that GénàToile handles.
The lines of the gedcom file that are not handled are displayed on
an error list in the log.txt file at the loading time.
The GEDCOM standard accepts unstandardized tags beginning by an underline
("_"). These items are not displayed in the error list, and are not handled
by GénàToile.
there is an INDI tag for each individual declared in the gedcom file.
There is a FAM tag for each family declared in the database. Family
stands for :
- either 2 persons of opposite sexes, having children or not
- either 1 person, whatever the sex, having one or more children.
The level 0 notes are "indirect" notes. It means that they have a pointer
(a reference), used in the gedcom to point to these notes.
Same principle than for level 0 notes.
The SUBM tag is not handled (for now). It is used to inform about the gedcom submitter.
ADOP (adoption)
It can appear under INDI, as an event. It means that the individual
as been adopted. This tag can be followed by DATE and PLAC. It can be followed
by FAMC too (family whose the individual is a child), then followed by
another ADOP, to show which parent adopted the individual.
ADDR (address)
This tag is accepted under HEAD and INDI tags, but it is ignored by
GénàToile. This tag contains the address of the software
editor, or the address of the INDIvidual.
Under an event, it shows the age of the individual at that event.
ASSO (association)
It is accepted, in conformity with the standard, under an INDIvidual,
to associate an other individual.
It is accepted under an event or a FAMily too (out of gedcom standard).
ASSO is often followed by RELA and/or TYPE.
AUTH (auteur)
Only under a SOURce.
BAPM ou CHR (christian baptism)
GénàToile considers this tags identical. They are under
an INDIvidual.
BIRT (birth)
Event only under INDI.
BURI (inhumation)
Event only under INDI.
CHAN (change)
This tag can appear under many other tags, showing the modification
date of these tags. It is ignored by GénàToile.
CHAR (character coding)
Under HEAD, it precises the character coding of the file. The values
accepted by GénàToile are ANSEL, ANSI and IBMPC.
Careful : IBMPC is not a standard, and GénàToile will
consider that the page 850 is to be used.
CHIL (child)
In a FAMily, this tag contains a pointer to a child of the union. It
may be many CHIL tags (with no limitation for GénàToile).
CONF (confirmation)
Event only under INDI.
CONC (concatenation)
This tag is used to concatenate text to the preceding tag. GénàToile
accepts it under NOTE, under SOURce, under TEXT if under SOUR, TITL under
SOUR, PUBL under SOUR, and under TEXT if under DATA under SOUR.
According to standard, concatenation of the text of the CONC with the
preceding text is without adding a space character. Some programs (as Brother's
Keeper version 5) cut text between words, not in the middle of words. In
this case, it's better to check the corresponding box when loading the
CONT (continuation)
This tag is handled exactly as CONC, except that the text is added
after a line feed. The text cut is made between words.
CORP (corporation)
Defines the company that edits the software. This tag, under HEAD,
is ignored by GénàToile.
CREM (cremation)
Event only under INDI.
Only handled under a SOURce citation. GénàToile is waiting
for an EVEN, an OBJE, or a TEXT after the DATA tag.
Handled under all types of events, in gregorian date or French revolution
format. GénàToile waits for dates respecting the gedcom standard
(especially for sort order of dates).
Remainder : a standard exact date has the form 15 FEB 2002 which means
February 15, 2002, and 15 VEND 5 means 15 vendémiaire year 5. The
gedcom standard accepts other formats than the exact date. In this cases,
GénàToile will perhaps not be able to handle completely the
date (especially for sort order).
DEAT (décès)
Event only under INDI.
DEST (destination = receiving system name)
Under HEAD, ignored by GénàToile.
DIV (divorce)
Event only under FAM.
EMIG (émigration)
Event only under INDI.
ENGA (engagement = fiançailles)
Event only under FAM.
EVEN (événement)
Event under INDI or FAM or SOURce or SOURce citation.
FAMC (family whose he/she is a child)
This tag is handled by GénàToile if under an INDIvidual
to show the family whose he/she is a child, or under BIRT or ADOP, these
tags being under an INDI, to show the family where he/she is born, or which
adopted him/her.
GénàToile handles multiple families (children with multiple
parents, especially in case of adoption), without limitation.
FAMS (family whose he/she is a spouse)
Handled under INDI, it shows the family where he/she is a spouse. There
is no limitation to the number of families whose an individual can be a
Under OBJE (multimedia document), shows the file name of the document.
FORM (format)
GénàToile only handles FORMat under OBJE, to determine
if it is a picture (bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, tiff) or a sound (wav, au, mid,
GIVN (given names)
This tag contains the given names, and is ignored by GénàToile.
NB: GénàToile extracts the given names from the NAME tag.
HUSB (husband)
In a FAMily, contains the pointer to the husband.
IMMI (immigration)
Event only under INDI.
MARC (contrat de mariage)
Event only under FAM.
MARR (mariage)
Event only under FAM. The GEDCOM standard doesn't allow any distinction
between civil marriage and religious marriage. Some software usent ORDI
to show the religious marriage; this formulation is handled by GénàToile.
ORDI (religious ceremony)
Under a FAMily (non standard), used by some softwares to show the religious
marriage, opposite to the civil marriage. GénàToile handles
this non standard behavior.
Under HEAD, this tag is ignored by GénàToile. Under INDI,
it contains the full name (given names + surname). GénàToile
can handle more than one NAME tag for an individual.After loading, GénàToile
splits the contents into given names and surname.
NICK (nickname)
Only under INDIvidual, contains a nickname. Will be displayed after
the surname and given names of the individual, and after "aka",
if the nickname option is selected.
GénàToile handles this tag when it appears under INDI,
FAM, OBJE, SOUR, ASSO or any type of event. The indirect call to notes
is handled too.
NPFX (name prefix)
Only under INDIvidual, contains the prefix for his/her name. Will be
displayed between parentheses after the surname and given names and the
optional suffix of the individual's name.
NSFX (name suffix)
Only under INDIvidual, contains the suffix for his/her name. Will be
displayed after the name and given names of the individual.
OBJE (object = multimedia document)
GénàToile only handles this tag under INDI, FAM, SOUR,
and all types of events (NB: OBJE at level 0 is not handled). This tag
allows the multimedia documents handling. NB: only pictures and sounds
are handled by GénàToile.
OCCU (occupation)
Event only under INDI.
Under SOUR, allows to precise the page in the cited source.
PEDI (pedigree)
Foreword : the gedcom standard allows an individual to be child
of more than one family (the most frequent case is adoption). It is also
possible, with the PEDI tag, to precise the child filiation.
This tag is under a FAMC tag, which is under INDI. It precises why
this individual is a child of the family mentionned in FAMC. The standard
raisons are adopted , birth (natural parents), foster,
sealing. The following raisons, non standard, are handled too
disproved and challenged.
If PEDI is followed by an other word, this word will be displayed,
without any translation.
PLAC (place)
This tag precises the place where happened any type of event. GénàToile
only handles PLAC under an event, and don't handle the optional hierarchical
information for places mentionned in the gedcom file.
GénàToile "cleans" the places before displaying : it
eliminates the leading and trailing commas of the places, and the double
PUBL (informations about the publication)
This tag appears only under a SOURce, for precision of when and/or
where a work has been published or created. GénàToile displays
its contents with the source.
QUAY (quality of the source)
This tag appears only under a source citation, and precises the credibility
of the information. The standard accepts only numbers from 0 to 3 (not
trustworthy to very trustworthy). GénàToile reads this information,
but doesn't use it.
REFN (reference)
This tag is handled by GénàToile under an individual,
a family or a source. Its contents is displayed, preceded by "Reference",
if the corresponding choice is selected.
RELA (relation)
This tag is handled after an ASSO tag for individuals, families and
events. GénàToile will display a link to the individual if
the corresponding choice is selected.
Remainder : the GEDCOM standard accepts only ASSO/RELA under an individual.
RELI (religion)
This tag can exist under INDI, to precise his/her religion (or his/her
religious conversion).
It can exist under an event, too.
RESI (residence)
Under a family or an individual, this event precises the residence
of the family or the individual.
RFN (rec_file_number)
This tag contains an unique identifier for an individual or a family.
GénàToile loads this information but doesn't use it.
Under a SOURce citation, this tag describes the role of an individual
in an event. The standard values are CHIL, HUSB, WIFE, MOTH, FATH, SPOU,
respectively translated into child, husband, wife, mother, father, spouse
(cf: the local.fm file). Other values will be displayed as they are.
Under an INDI, precises his/her sex. This information is displayed
if the corresponding box is checked. The color of the cell depends on the
value of SEX : M (male) F (female) ou U (undefined).
SOUR (source citation)
GénàToile handles source citations under an individual,
a family, an association or an event. It handles too the source citation
under a NAME which is under INDI (source citation giving information on
the origin of the surname).
SUBM (gedcom file submitter)
This tag is read but ignored by GénàToile under a HEAD.
The other cases are not handled.
SURN (surname)
This tag contains the surname, ignored by GénàToile.
GénàTole handles this tag under a SOURce and under a
source citation.
TITL (title)
GénàToile handles this tag under a multimedia document
(its title), an individual (its title, handled here as an event) and a
SOURce (the title of the source).
GénàToile ignores this tag when under CHAN. It handles
it and display the related information when under DATE in any event.
GénàToile handles this tag under an event, an association,
and under a reference which is under a NOTE or a SOURce.
VERS (version)
Génàtoile ignores this tag, under HEAD.
In a FAMily, contains the pointer to the wife of the union.