The pictures will decorate your pages, but will be more
disk consuming, and the loading time will be in proportion of the size
of your pictures.
To make the readers appreciate your web site, this one
must be enjoyable, and not to long to access to.
Here are my recommendations:
Adapt, if necessary, the size of your pictures : your pictures definition is perhaps needlessly big for a computer screen display. The pictures are copied by GénàToile in the same directory than your .html files, where you can resize them as you want. Remember than the picture files are copied only if not yet present in the destination directory. So, if you execute GénàToile again after you have modified the pictures, your modifications are kept.
If you have many pictures, don't publish on internet : your readers will be sick of loading times. On the other hand, there is no problem you burn CD-Rom and released them to your family, and generate an other version, without pictures, this one you can publish on internet.
Do not put too many pictures per file (parameter Pictures: number of elements/page). It's better to have many small .html files, than a few big ones. Always the loading time....
Updated on February 20, 2003.
© Jean-Baptiste Fahy, 2001-2003