Remainder : GénàToile could exist thank
to Leslie Howard, who wrote ged2www and made it free software. Formerly,
I downloaded the sources files, I have "Francised" it, then internationlized
it. At last, I add some new features.
I had more an more difficulties to manage the modifications
of that program : each new feature was more time consuming for tests. Besides,
there is a Windows version of ged2wwwf, an a Mac OS one, adding some synchronization
So, by a sunny day, I decide to write a new program. His
features had to be :
- a useful User Interface,
- running under multiple environments,
- display notes and sources,
- moreover, it had to display the full contents of gedcom
Moreover, I wanted to enjoy writing this new program.
So I wrote it in java. I bought some books about java,
I downloaded the compiler, some documentation, and I started my work.
The first version was released on june 2001.
Right away, I received a lot of mail, signaling bugs,
asking for enhancements, crying for help...
Between two mail answers, I could manage a way to make
that program live, not as fast as I would like, but...
A cyclic recurrent demand was countinuously very often
claimed and asked all the time : hide the information for contemporaneous
I tried to escape, telling there are pelty of very good
programs that can extract such data from gedcom files... No way ! You were
still demanding, asking, claiming, begging, crying, etc...
Et alors ? et alors ? et alors ? ..... Hé hé
! Benoît est arrivé-é-é, sans s'presser-é-é,
le grand Benoît, le beau Benoît, avec son PC et son grand chapeau.
[wink to a French song by Henri Salvador]
Benoît started that work. He first analyzed the
demand, had exchanges with some users, and brought us all you need to hide
these tremendous data about contemporaneous.
A big thank to Benoît Mamet.
By now, the list ends here (may be Christian will be added,
shortly ?).
I would be delighted if many people join the team, for
my pleasure, and yours ! So, you can contact me.
I recently put this project on Source Forge, where you
can see the source files, and start working on it !
Here you are : GénàToile
on Source Forge