1) Have you got a java machine on your computer ?
You can check that by seeking on your disks the java.exe or javaw.exe
Warning: it's better to have a 1.3 or higher version of java.
Under Windows, to know what is your version of java, in a DOS session,
type : java -version
You must get something like:
java version "1.3beta"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3beta-O)
Java(TM) HotSpot Client VM (build 1.3beta-O, mixed mode)
2) is java correctly installed ?
Under Windows, the exec java command is like
"c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3\bin\javaw.exe" -jar
What is before "javaw.exe" depends on your installation of java.
To ckeck the exec command, open the Windows explorer, click on "View",
then on the "File types" tab.
In the list of file types, select "Executable Jar File", click on "Modify",
then on "open", et then on "Modify". The exec command must appear under
"Application used to execute this action".
3) can you find a log.txt file ?
If so, open it with a text editor. If you can cope with what you read,
try to fix the problem. If not, write to me, describe what you did, and
what you got. Join the log.txt file (if it's big -i.e. more than 10 kbytes-
send only the end of it, because the beginning will be unuseful to me).
1) did you select a gedcom file ?
If so, it's name appears in the bottom of the GénàToile
window: "Selected file : c:\xxxx.ged"
If not, click on "File" tab, then on the "Change gedcom", and choose
your file.
2) did you load the gedcom file ?
If you didn't, the "Generation" tab is gray, and unselectable.
Click on the "Load" tab, then on the "Load the gedcom" button.
3) did you click on "Generation of HTML files" ?
Remainder: if the "Generation" tab is gray, you didn't load your gedcom
4) have you an error message in the bottom window of GénàToile
If so, GénàToile collapsed.
Write to me, describe what you've done, and what is the error message.
Send me the end of the log.txt file.
1) have you got a big gedcom (let's say... more than 10 000 individuals)
May be you've got, at the end of log.txt :
<<no stack trace available>>
If so, java didn't did a memory reservation big enough. Increase it
by setting theXms parameter at 100M and the Xmx parameter at 256M
Under Windows, see how to proceed :
Open the Windows explorer, click on "View", then on the "File types"
In the file types list; select "Executable Jar File", click on "Modify",
then on "open", and then on "Modify". The command line appears under "Application
used to execute this action". It must look like :
"c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3\bin\javaw.exe" -jar
Modify it by inserting -Xms100M -Xmx256M between ...javaw.exe"
and -jar
It will then look like :
"c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3\bin\javaw.exe" -Xms100M -Xmx256M
These values permit to treat a gedcom file containing more than 60
000 individuals.
2) have you got an error message in the bottom window of GénàToile
if so, GénàToile collapsed.
Write to me, describe what you've done, and what is the error message.
Send me the end of the log.txt file.
Add a comma at the end of "Sort type"
After you have installed like in this document,
to get pages generated in English : replace the local.fh file
by the same one under the english subdirectory.
to get an English interface : replace local.fi file by the
same one under the english subdirectory.
Foreword : the accented letters are generally considered as if they had no accent.
In the Surnames pages :
the surnames are in alphabetic orderles noms sont triés par
ordre alphabétique.
In the index pages :
the individuals are in alphabetic order of the surnames, then of the
given names.
In the Data pages, the sort order of the families is :
- first the families where at least one of the spouses has more than
one union, then the single-union spouses.
- inside each category, the first family displayed is the one with
the first individual in alphabetic order.
As a family contains at lesat two persons, and as a family is displayed
only once, the sort order is not alphabetical.
Top of page
The pictures' mention must conform to the gedcom standard. Besides, the must be in the exact directory mentionned in the gedcom file whan executing GénàToile. At last, you must leave them with your .html generated files.
For gedcom files from Généatique (which doesn't respect
the gedcom standard), GénàToile adapts oneself.
Some versions (all versions?) of Hérédis doesn't generate
gedcom files with picture information in it.
GénàToile will recognize as pictures a great number of
file formats (jpeg, gif, ...). But the browser you use will have to read
such file formats... In particular, the tiff format is generally not recognized
by the browsers.