GénàToile - User's guide

And now...

You generated your pages.
If you like them, you can publish them on internet (don't ask me how : it depends on your Internet Service Provider. Ask him).

If you don't like them, you can go backward, change a parameter or two...

You can also change your gedcom file. You can generate from as many different gedcom files you want in a single execution of GénàToile.

What do you find on the pages ?
Main page
the title of your database, and a link to :
- the alphabetical index
- the list of surnames
- the Places/Surnames and Surnames/Places lists, if you ask for their generation
- the lists of acts, if you ask for their generation (a link for each place you choosed)
and your personal data (name, address, ...).

Index pages
They contain, in top of page, a index to directly access to a first letter, and, just below, an index to the second letter of a surname.
Each individual is followed by his birth and death dates and places (or baptism and inhumation).
If you asked for Sosa # to be displayed, your Sosa are numbered and marked with a red square, your cousin with a green square.

If you click on an individual's name, you access his complete description in the Data pages.
On the next line(s), you get, sorted by union dates, the possible spouses of the related individual.
If the individual is bachelor and child of a couple, you'll point to the description of his parents.

There is a line feed between each surname on the index pages.

Surnames page
In alphabetic order, you can see all the surnames of your database, followed by the number of individuals bearing this surname.
The sort is not case-sensitive.
The accented letters are managed as follow :
the a, e, i, o and u with an accent are considered like the non-accented letter, except for :
ä, ö, ø and å, which are considered as different letters.
Example: BONE, Bone, Bône, Boné, Bonè, bonê are equivalents, and will appear only once (in the first form met).
But, Böne will be apart.

Data pages
They are made of tables with 2 columns, one table per family.
The parents have a yellow background in the left column, and a blue or pink color in the right one, according to the gender.
In a union, the 2 spouses are separated by a description of the union with a yellow background.

When it's possible, a family starts with the father. It can start with the mother, if she had two unions or more.

For people with two unions or more, the indiviudal is followed by the description of his/her first union, his/her spouse, and the children of that union. Then comes the second union description, followed by the second spouse, and the children of that union, with no repetition of the first individual.
Unions appear in chronological order, if GénàToile could establish it.
The children of an union appear in chronological order of their birth dates (or baptism dates), if they are known.

The left column displays the surname and given names of individuals, the parents and grand-parents, if known, and the unions.
If you ask for Sosa display, your Sosas are numbered, and have a red square, your cousins a green square. If you ask for "Sosa-d'Aboville", the green square of the cousins is preceded by the Sosa number of the closest common ancestor with Sosa #1 followed by the d'Aboville numbering.

The right column displays the individual's details and the union's details. Links allow you to go to the notes, sources and documents according your choices.

If the children of an union are part of one or more unions, the names of the spouses are displayed, preceded by the mariage date, if relevant.

Places/Surnames pages
They start with a rough table of places, permitting the reader to quickly identify his places of interest. This table has 1, 2 or 3 levels, according to your choice.
You access to the Places/Surnames pages, wich show, for each place, the surnames appearing.
These surnames are followed by the mini/maxi years of apparition of that surname in that place, and by the number of birth (or baptism), marriage and death (or inhumation). Each category (birth, marriage, death) is followed by a succession of digits, each one is a link to the concerned individuals. These digits are in the chronological order of the events they are pointing to.

Surnames/Places pages
They are similar to the Places/Surnames pages, but sorted by Surnames, and without rough table.

Pages of Lists of acts
They display, year by year, the acts in chronological order. The detail toward the individuals can be reached by clicking on the individual name. Besides, if the event has a photograph attached, you can reach it by clicking on the event type.

Notes pages
You have access to the notes displayed in separate pages by clicking on Note in the data pages of individuals.

Sources citations pages
You have access to the notes displayed in separate pages by clicking on Source in the data pages of individuals.
Click on Back to go back to the previous page.

Sources pages
The sources are always displayed in separate pages, because a single sources can be cited by many individuals and unions. You can access them by clicking on Source n° <n>.
Click on Back to go back to the previous page.

Pictures and sounds pages de photos et de sons
You access to these pages by clicking Pictures. The pictures are preceded by the names of the inidviduals, the unions or the sources they are connected with.
To listen a sound, click on the corresponding link.
Click on Back to go back to the previous page.

Note about the order of appearance of the children of an union
GénàToile try to sort the children from their birth dates, or the baptism dates if birth dates are not known.

Note about the order of appearance of the unions
GénàToile try to sort the unions from the marriage dates. If there is no marriage date, the dates of the chidren births is used instead.

All is alright ?
If you think that something went wrong, have a look to the FAQ.

If you have some more problem, you can write on the GénàToile list (in French). To subscribe to the list, send an empty message to : genatoile-subscribe@yahoogroupes.fr

Just write the GénàToile version you use, what you did, and what you got.
If you think there is a bug in GénàToile, send too the .gat file, and the end (let's say, the last 50 lines) of the log.txt file in attached files (only in my private e-mail, jbfahy@nordnet.fr, because the list doesn't accept attachments).

You can also propose enhancements.

Works in progress :
GénàToile is not finished, yet. It should :
- split possibly big pages (there are some left),
- manage more tags of the gedcom file
This will come in due time...

Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Fahy

February 10, 2003