GénàToile - user's guide

Step 3: entering parameters, display choices, and generation

You found here a generation button (wait a second, don't click on it right now !) and 5 tabs allowing you to parameter the generation of the files :
- Owner. Enter your personal data.
- View. For displaying or not some data from your gedcom file.
- Appearance. For tuning of your pages.
- Contemporaneous. For how to display information on contemporaneous people.
- Lists of acts. For displaying of birth/baptsim, marriage, death/inhumation for choosen places.

If you're in hurry and want to see how it looks, jump here ! You can change later all the parameters.

Else, jump to next parameters (Owner)

Updated on February 3, 2003.
© Jean-Baptiste Fahy, 2001-2003