GénàToile - User's guide

Step 3.2: View
you choose here what you want to display on your pages of genealogy.

If you check this box, the individual's gender will be explicitly displayed. By default, this option is not selected. Just know that GénàToile uses the following colour code :
- pink for women,
- light blue for men,
- grey for individual whose gender isn't known.
At last, unions have yellow background, and the spouses of these unions have a yellow left part, and a pink or blue right part, according to gender.

check this box if you want to display information in the REFN item. I suggest you leave this box selected on the first run. If you don't like the information displayed in "Reference", unselect this box.

check this bos if you want to display information in OCCU items.

check it to display information in NICK items.

check it to display information in DIV items.

check it to display information in RESI items.

check it to display information in EMIG and IMMI items.

check it to display information in RELI items.

check it to display information in NOTE items. You will precise how to display this information in the "Apperance" tab. Just know that GénàToile can see the difference between notes directly belonging to an individual, to an union, and belonging to an event (birth, baptism, marriage, ...). The notes related to an event are displayed at this event's level.

check it to display information in SOUR items. You will precise how to display this information in the "Appearance" tab. Just know that, in a gedcom, source management is in two differnet parts :
- sources descriptions, or "sources" records (optional, and not managed by all genealogy programs). This information will be displayed in separate html pages, you can access to this pages from the data refering to it.
- sources citations, within individual and/or family information. These citations will be displayed in separate pages or not, at your own choice.

check it to display relations between individuals (from data in ASSO and RELA items).

If your genealogy program allows you to make connection between the individuals, families, sources and pictures or sounds, you can display them with GénàToile.
If you choose to display them, they ALL will be.
It's your responsibility to choose pictures that suit with internet browsers.
You can find some more advice here.
Just know that your pictures and sound files will be copied on the same directory where your html files will be generated, so, the time to genarate pages can be somewhat long.
For the first execution, I recommand you DON'T select this option.

Empty events:
by default, this box in unchecked. Some genealogy programs generate gedcom files with events having no information but a TYPE item. If you ckeck this box, these empty events will be displayed. Généatique, for instance, generate events with only a TYPE IMAGE item; this information has no meaningand should not be displayed.

type the identifier of the individual you choose as Sosa # 1. If you don't know his identifier, click on the "Sosa" button, you get a window in which, clicking on the left arrow, you get a list of all the individuals' names, in alphabetic order. Choose your Sosa #1 by clicking on it.

Besides, all the cousins of this individual will be displayed with a green square close to their names. A cousin is an individual who has blood in common with Sosa #1, but not direct ancestor of Sosa #1. So, an uncle will have green square, and a child too. (Nota Bene: the wife of an uncle will not have a green square).

The display of red and green squares comes from "rouge.gif" and "vert.gif" files, released with GénàToile. They will copied into the generation directory of your html files.

If you don't want any more the display of the Sosa, erase the identifier in the box on the right of "Sosa" button.

this option works only if you have defined a Sosa #1. If this box is checked, some numbers will precede the green square of the cousins : the first one is the Sosa # of the closest common ancestor with the Sosa #1.
The next number(s) represent the "d'Aboville" number counted from the common ancestor.
This information shows you quickly the cousinage level with Sosa #1.
Nota Bene: the common ancestor is always the man, if he exists. If not, the ancestor is the woman. The Sosa number will very often be a even number.

Connected (ancestors):
this option works only if you have defined a Sosa #1. If this box is checked, the yellow square (from jaune.gif file) will be displayed close the spouses of cousins, and ancestors of these spouses.
An individual which is not an ancestor of Sosa #1, but spouse of an ancestor, will have the yellow square.

Connected (descendants):
this option works only if you have defined a Sosa #1, and you checked "Connected (ancestors)". If this box is checked, the blue square (from bleu.gif file) will be displayed close the descendants of connected ascendants.

Preliminary note: displaying Places/Surnames and Surnames/Places lists is a very interesting and powerful facility of this program, allowing the readers of your pages to found quickly relevant information: knowing you have SMITHs in your genealogy is perhaps not very interesting for your visitor. But, if he reads you "have" some SMITHs located in Gloucester may be a very valuable information.
If you are not patient enough to read and apply the following, just type 1 (the one cypher) in each zone. You can come back here later.

You have 2 values to enter:
the sort type, following the same rules than in Ged2wwwf.
And the number of levels you want to have in the access table to the places (ranging from 1 to 3).

Sort type :
this zone is a succession of cyphers and separators that modelize the place data from your gedcom, isolating chunks of data separated by the separators.
The value of a cypher expresses the level of a field,
the position of this cypher shows the position of this field in the PLACE data.
The cyphers are separated by the same separators that are used in the PLACE data. Generally, the separators are commas.
A zero cypher (0) means that chunk of data will be ignored.

Example # 1 (Hérédis):
Your places are coded "town, zip code, subdivision, department or district, country".
So, there are 5 chunks, separated by 4 commas.
I suggest you to consider only town, department and country.
The country, in fifth position, will be coded 1 (the highest level).
The department, in fourth position, will be code 2 (intermediate level).
The town, in first position, will be coded 3 (le lowest level).
The others chunks must be ignored, and will be coded 0.
So, you type :

Example # 2:
Your places are stored "town (district) <optional subdivision>".
There are 3 chunks, separated by parenthesis.
I just want to manage town and district, not optional subdivision.
The town (level 2) is in first position, followed by an opening parenthesis.
The district (level 1) is in second position, followed by a closing parenthesis.
The <optional subdivisionprécisions éventuelles>, in third position, will be coded 0.
So I type :

Levels :
Type here the number of levels you want to see in the access table to the Places/Surnames list.
In the example # 1:
type 3 to display an access table containing the three first levels (country, district and town), or type 2 to display only the two first levels (country, district).

In the example # 2:
type 2 to display an access table with the 2 levels (district and town).

If you don't want to generate an access table, type 0 (zero) in the level field.

Got to next parameters (Appearance)

Updated on February 5, 2003.
© Jean-Baptiste Fahy, 2001-2003