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GénàToile ?
The current GénàToile version is 0.21 beta 01-03-2003
This is the first version of the English documentation.
The parameter files of the versions before the 0.20 are not compatible with this version.
Modifications :
Enhancements :
- Background picture : if choosed, it gets the bgproperties=fixed
parameter, so the picture desn't move during scrolling (works only with
internet explorer browsers).
- French revolution dates from Hérédis : the @#DRFRENCH
R@ parameter (not gedcom standard) is now ignored.
- Italian version.
Pages display :
- Notes at individual level : the mention "Note" is now displayed
before the text.
- Rough tables for places list : indentation to improve readability.
Bugs fix :
- Sosa : correct Sosa number computing in cas of consanguinity.
- Sosa-d'Aboville : correct computing (the descendants of Sosa married
twice or more could be incorrectly computed).
Known bug, not fixed :
- Lists of acts : if there is no act for a choosen place, there is a
displacement of the links on the main page.
By-pass : check the links of the main page after generation, and
suppress the places without act.
Remainder of the modifications of the 0.20 version :
- Yellow square display for the connected ancestors.
- Blue square display for the connected descendants.
- Lists of acts = for the places of your choice,
display of baptisms/births, marriages and deaths/inhumations in
chronological order.
- Management of multiple names for an individual (more
than one NAME item).
- Name sort : the space characters within a name are
ignored in the sort procedure : "Du Pont" will be at the same level than
- The NOTEs under DATA items that are under SOUR items
are now displayed.
- Management of multiple Sosa numbers for an individual.
- Added some more information in the log file (log.txt)
in order to help bug fix.
Pages display:
- the month of page generation is displayed in letters,
avoiding any confusion for anglo saxon readers.
Bugs fix:
- Fixed the unwanted stops indicated by user's bug
The "shopping list" is
- html code insertion at beginning and end of
each generated file
- original ged2www display
You can get the Java machine on Sun
Microsystems site: last time I connected, you could download from
this address.
Get at least Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition US
English version, or the all languages version, if you need
it for other purposes.
You will download about 8 Mbytes (and more for the international
systems running Mac OS X
Mac OS X has an implemented java machine. So, nothing to download.
You certainly got GénàToile as a compressed (zipped)
file, Unzip this file in a directory named as you want,
keeping the subdirectory organisation in the zip-file. In the
following, I'll assume that you named it GénàToile.
In this GénàToile directory, you'll get :
- genatoile.jar
- genatoile.gif
- genatoile.bmp
- local.fh
- local.fp
- reliure.gif
- rouge.gif
- vert.gif
- jaune.gif
- vert.gif
In the doc subdirectory :
- doc.html
- and the other help files
In the english and espanol subdirectories :
- local.fh
- local.fp
GénàToile is released as a run file, genatoile.jar, and complementary files :
-, file used to
"translate" in readable language the gedcom-file dates, and some key
words of the GEDCOM standard. You can learn more on the file, click here.
- local.fp, containing the
prefixes of your surnames. Learn more.
-, containing the Graphic
Uesr Interface texts. Learn more.
- local.fh, containing the texts
for html pages generation. Learn more.
- reliure.gif, good-looking
background screen file, but you can use other backgrounds, of course.
- rouge.gif, vert.gif, jaune.gifetbleu.gif just containing a red square and a
green square, showing the Sosa and the cousins relatives of an
individual you'll choose when executing GénàToile. You
can replace these files with any other gif file you want, that you'll
call rouge.gif for showing Sosa, and vert.gif for showing the
cousins. The same applies to jaune.gif and bleu.gif.
- genatoile.gif will give you a
pretty ;o) icon to locate your favorite program when running
- genatoile.bmp can help you to
locate a shorter for GénàToile execution.
The "local.xx" files for English language are in the "/english"
subdirectory. If you want use this language, be sure to replace the
basic "local.xx", which are French files. There is no specific
installation procedure for English language.
For German, Spanish, Italian or Dutch languages, you'll find the
local.xx in the "deutsch", "/espanol", "/italiano" or "neder"
subdirectory. There is no specific installation procedure for these
Top of page
Mac OS X systems
In the directory where GénàToile was unzipped,
double-click on the genatoile.jar file
Besides, you can look at the documentation when choosing the Help tab, and see the generated pages with the View tab and click on View button.